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Communicating with Internet of Things

22 May 2016

Since the release of a 5 dollar wifi-board called ESP8266, the Internet of Things has been booming more than ever. How do such IoT devices communicate? How to connect them to your Joomla website?

Peter will describe some IoT communication protocols (MQTT in particular), how to flash a ESP8266 to run your own scripts, how to implement MQTT in Joomla, and (if-technology-permits) do a live demo with Joomla & IoT.


Presentation done at

Joomladay UK 2017

8 July 2017
London, United Kingdom

Joomladagen Nederland 2017

1 April 2017
Zeist, Netherlands

Joomladay Austria 2016

3 December 2016
Vienna, Austria

Joomla World Conference 2016

13 November 2016
Vancouver, Canada

WordCamp Nederland 2016

16 October 2016
Utrecht, Netherlands

Joomladay Deutschland 2016

17 September 2016
Leipzig, Germany

JandBeyond 2016

22 May 2016
Barcelona, Spain
Joomla Linux Specialist

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