Joomla multilingual website without 3rd party extensions
12 August 2011
With Joomla 2.5 and 3.x it's relatively easy set up a multilingual website without using 3rd extensions... in 10 steps!
- Install Language Pack
- To translate Joomla's system labels like "Read more..." in different languages
- Define Content Languages
- Add languages that can be assigned to content (categories, articles, menu items, modules, etc)
- Enable & Configure "System - Language Filter" plugin
- Add language code to URL, enable "Menu Item Association" (see 8.)
- Create Root Category for every Language
- For easier maintenance it's better to group all categories for a language under a "Language Root Category"
- Create Articles
- Assign the right Category + Language to each article
- Create Menus (every Language own Menu)
- Create a Menu for each language
- Create Menu Items & Menu Item Association
- Create Menu Items, set a default homepage per language, group similar menu items from different languages
- Create Menu Modules (every Language own Menu Module)
- Create a Menu Module per language and assign to that language's Menu
- Create Language Switcher Module
- Create this Module to display the language icons that can be selected to select one of the languages
- Redirect old incoming links
- A tip for collecting huge amounts of old URLs,
and creating redirects to the new URLs using:- A sitemap component (Xmap)
- A browser (to display the HTML source)
- A spreadsheet (Excel / OpenOffice Calc)
- and .htaccess
- A tip for collecting huge amounts of old URLs,

Presentation done at
Joomladay UK 2014
4 October 2014
Ascot, United Kingdom
Joomladay Cape Town 2012
17 August 2012
Cape Town, South Africa
Joomla User Group Den Bosch
5 March 2012
Den Bosch, Netherlands
Joomladay Thailand 2012
25 February 2012
Bangkok, Thailand
Joomladay Norway 2011
12 August 2011
Drammen, Norway

Peter Martin
Joomla Linux Specialist