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Solving Joomla Problems

01 October 2013

Blank screens, deprecated errors, missing Class errors, can't login, can't install, my website is slow, my website got hacked... We all have run into one or two of those. If not, other people have...

If you don't believe me, just visit :-)

On the basis of the 10 most common problems seen in Joomla Forum, Peter will learn you to:

  • identify a problem
  • identify the real problem behind it
  • solve that problem
  • or get help quickly by asking the right questions

In the process you might learn something more about Joomla's Debug mode, .htaccess, phpMyAdmin, permissions, XAMPP, Akeeba Backup, Admin Tools, Google Chrome Inspect Element, FireFox Firebug, diff...

Solving Joomla Problems

Presentation done at

Joomladay France 2015

9 May 2015
Nice, France

Joomladay Deutschland 2014

11 September 2014
Cologne, Germany

Joomladay Netherlands 2014

23 March 2014
Zeist, Netherlands

Joomla User Group Alphen aan den Rijn

17 February 2014
Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands

Joomla User Group Utrecht

9 December 2013
Utrecht, Netherlands

Joomla World Conference 2013

9 November 2013
Boston, MA, USA

Joomladay South Africa 2013

19 October 2013
Johannesburg, South Africa

Joomladay UK 2013

6 October 2013
Ascot, United Kingdom

Joomla User Group Heerenveen

1 October 2013
Heerenveen, Netherlands
Joomla Linux Specialist

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