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Joomla - Under the Hood

15 May 2019

Joomla is a great CMS that makes it possible to easily create a website or web application. But what happens under the hood of Joomla? Peter discusses the technical aspects of Joomla and discusses in more detail a number of technical aspects: Categories + item counter, Overrides, Menus, Plugins, ACL. Get more insight in the technical functioning of Joomla!

Presentation done at

JandBeyond 2020

30 May 2020
International Online Joomla Conference

Joomladay Germany 2019

14 September 2019
Giessen, Germany

Joomladay Netherlands 2019

18 May 2019
Utrecht, Netherlands

Joomla User Group Arnhem/Nijmegen

15 May 2019
Nijmegen, Netherlands
Joomla Linux Specialist

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